Interact with others:
Students will learn to work as a team with classmates. They will learn to compromise, to “give and take”, for the best outcome. Students will realize and come to understand that we are all different individuals called upon to work, live, and get along with one another. By interacting with others, students will learn to accept others’ strengths, weaknesses and differences. Students will be able to communicate with others effectively through written and spoken words, as well as by listening to what others say.
Nurture your beliefs:
What we have started in school does not end here. Beyond the classroom, students will continue their religious education through attendance at Sunday Mass, completion of Confirmation preparation and reception of the Sacraments. Students will also continue their service work by helping those in need. Because students have learned to appreciate the diversity of others and have realized their own self worth, they will be able to stand up for what they believe in without fear of peers, pressure or ridicule.
Brighten the world with your gifts:
Students will recognize that God has given each of us wonderful, unique gifts. Students will learn to be proud of these talents they possess and use them to their fullest. These talents can be used for classroom work, for the benefit of the school, or for the simple enjoyment of others. Students will also appreciate the gifts and talents of others.
Achieve your potential:
Students will produce quality work that they can be proud of. They will set goals for themselves and work toward achieving those goals. Students will learn that “good enough” is not acceptable. Students will recognize their capabilities and strive toward meeting those capabilities.
Respect self and others:
Students will respect themselves by making responsible choices regarding their own safety and wellbeing. They will respect others by using proper manners, by accepting and appreciating the diversity of others, by being considerate and compassionate, and by taking full responsibility for their actions.