Third Grade
Third grade Science is taught by Mrs Schellenger, 2 days a week to total 1hr 40 minutes of Instruction.
The 3rd graders study about Life Science and The Human Body to include health and nutrition. Earth Science and Physical Science are also covered.
The following are the units of study in theses strands:
How Plants live and Grow
How Animals Live, Grow and Change
Living Things and Their Environments
Changing Environments
Matter and How it Changes
Simple Machines and Work
Energy in Our World
All About the Earth's Surface
Materials of the Earth
The Sun, Planets and Moons
Clouds and Weather
Fourth Grade
Fourth graders continue their exploration of the world of Science through the study of Physical Science, Earth Science, Life Science and the Human Body to include Health and Nutrition. The Science Lab is utilized as we conduct experiments and observe demonstrations. During our 1 hr 40 min that is allocated per week we cover the following topics: Earth Science-The Rock Cycle and How Earth is shaped and changed by Natures forces. Life Science-All Organisms need energy and matter to live and grow, That living organisms depend on one another and their environments for survival. We study about the Human Body during our study of life science and how to keep a healthy body and body systems (Health & Nutrition) Life Science includes: Plant structure and functionAnimal Structure and function energy in ecosystemsSurviving in the environmentPhysical Science covers Matter, Electricity & Magnetism, Light & Sound, and Forces & Motion. Investigation and Experimentation aids us in our study of these strands.
Fifth Grade
The 2 hrs a week of Science instruction for 5th graders consists of experimentation, demonstrations, hands-on investigations, videos, Science projects, and reports.
During our study of Life Science, some of the areas we study are as follows:
Comparing living things-- to include the Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Fungus Kingdom, and the Protist and Moneran Kingdoms. Adaptations and Ecology. Fifth-grade students learn about some of the structures that plants and animals have for respiration, digestion, waste disposal, and transport of materials. (Human body, health, and Nutrition). Our study of Physical Science includes some of the following, Classifying matter, to include Elements, and the periodic table of the elements. Motion & Forms of Energy. The Earth Science unit of study includes these topics: The Changing Earth, Earth's Resources, Climate, and Astronomy.
The Foreign Language department sees grades 3 through 8 twice a week. Spanish is offered September through January, followed by French until the end of the year. Students are exposed to real life experiences preparing them to be citizens of the world through reading, writing, listening and speaking in the target language. My Foreign Language program follows the Common Core Standards. It is designed to reach all students, to increase their competence in world languages.
In addition to the challenging academic standards curriculum of Foreign Language, I also create and maintain a Catholic environment using the target language in prayers, studying the life of Foreign Saints and showing how people live their Catholic faith in Spain and France.
Course description by grades:
Third Grade / Fourth Grade
Topics covered in Spanish and French Greetings and introductions
Calendar and seasons
Important places and monuments
Numbers, colors, alphabet
Classroom objects
Textbooks Animales. Santillana (Spanish Level 1)
Grenadine. Hachette (French Level 1)
Fifth Grade / Sixth Grade
Topics covered in Spanish and French Celebrations and holidays
Important dates, historical figures and places
Grammar, conjugation of verbs
Project: Las Posadas (Spanish)
Textbooks Animales. Santillana ( Spanish Level 2)
Super Max. Hachette ( French Level 2)
Seventh Grade / Eighth Grade
Topics covered in Spanish and FrenchLeisure, hobbies and activities
Geographic features and landmarks of Spain + project on Spanish autonomous communities
Family and friends
Expressions of politeness
Songs and poems
Food, meals and restaurants
School subjects, description of teachers, students and courses
Textbooks Paso a Paso A. Prentice Hall (Spanish)
Bon voyage 1. Glencoe (French)
Field trips- Norton Simon Museum to study the French Painters, 6th grade.
Elective- Cooking classes, this year, the students did a French recipe: Les Crepes.
![]() Fall Session will focus on: ● Learn the fundamentals of hip-hop dance ● Be taught the basics of hip-hop first syles: break-dance, locking, and popping ● Study the history of hip-hop ● And learn full dance routines in which students will be expected to memorize and perform on selected classes Winter Session will focus on: ● Learn the fundamentals of hip-hop dance ● Be taught the basics of “krump” ● Study the history of hip-hop and krump ● And learn full dance routines in which students will be expected to memorize and perform on selected classes Spring Session will focus on: ● Learn the fundamentals of hip-hop dance ● Be taught to create their own dance movements and freestyle ● And learn full dance routines in which students will be expected to memorize and perform on selected classes |
The major goal in our music classes is to provide a sequential program based on Catholic traditions whose objectives are:
To foster good listening skills
To develop an appreciation for God’s creation in a diversity of musical styles and cultures
To provide opportunities for conscientious participation in musical activities
To introduce the importance of music in the context of the Liturgy
To encourage each child to discover and develop his/her individual musical creativity
To teach a basic understanding of general music theory and music history
Classroom Music Program includes:
The students will truly enjoy a wonderful world of music that is fun, exciting, educational, and most of all, interesting. Our Liturgies will feature readings and beautiful songs that will make each of our Masses memorable, worshipful, and truly an amazing experience for everyone.
In today's fast-paced digital world, our school remains at the forefront of academic demands by integrating cutting-edge technology into our curriculum. We understand the critical role that computer science and technology play in shaping the future of our students. To this end, we have equipped our institution with two state-of-the-art computer labs, featuring both Windows and Mac computers, ensuring that all students are proficient in multiple operating systems and software environments.
Moreover, we are proud to offer a 1:1 iPad program, where each student is provided with an iPad that is seamlessly integrated into their daily academic activities. This initiative not only enhances learning experiences but also ensures that our students are adept in the latest technological tools and applications, preparing them for a variety of future challenges and opportunities.
Our computer technology classes are designed not just to teach students how to code, but to deepen their overall computer literacy, fostering problem-solving skills, creativity, and critical thinking. These classes serve as a vital support system in our students' educational journey, equipping them with the necessary skills to excel in the 21st century.
The Saint Finbar School Library emphasis is placed on creating a welcoming and engaging space for the school community. The library provides materials that enhance and supplement the curriculum. Alexandria is the cross-platform library automation software used.
Students in grades Early Fives Kindergarten through Fourth grade have library classes once a week with thirty minutes of library time each. Our goals are to stimulate the recreational reading of our students, prepare them to locate, process and communicate information in both print and non-print sources; and to fully support the school’s curriculum in all subject areas.
Special events such as the highly anticipated Scholastic Book Fair build excitement about reading.
Elective periods- Jr high students are given an orientation and library research skills are refined and reinforced.
Each Library Period begins with an adult reading the students. We enjoy having guest readers!
The Library is supported by the Barbara Marasco Reading Fund (see link under Alumni & Giving).
With the passing of our beloved Ms. Dora Morales on March 2, 2019, Library was taken over by a group of dedicated parents with Library experience. This parent group is under the direction of Mrs. Cindy Velez.
We provide elective classes for our middle school students (grades 6-8) once a week. Electives are based on interest and staff / volunteer availability so individual classes may not be offered every trimester. Some electives provide rudimentary exposure to new subjects, other electives provide a more in-depth experience of familiar topics.
Our school has integrated robotics as an elective class, recognizing its critical role in modern education. This course not only introduces students to the fundamentals of robotics but also immerses them in programming within a virtual environment. By learning accessible programming languages such as Python and JavaScript, students at the middle school level can grasp complex concepts in a user-friendly manner.
Additionally, the curriculum includes hands-on experience with microbit boards, where students learn to program using both block code and web-based code with Python. This dual approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of coding fundamentals, applicable in various real-world scenarios.
Most importantly, this class serves as a gateway to the world of artificial intelligence. It opens students' minds to the possibilities within AI, preparing them for future advancements in technology and encouraging them to think innovatively about solutions to everyday problems. Through this course, students not only learn about robotics and programming but also develop a foundational understanding of AI and its applications in various fields.